The concept was to create an up to date, glamorous hair colouring salon in an urban environment
The concept was to create an up to date, glamorous hair colouring salon in an urban environment, to entice passers-by and create a fresh luxe appeal for the Zoology brand.
Due to the long narrow shop floor, efforts to maximise every inch and increase the sense of openness were paramount in the layout of the space. Setting the salon station mirror storage units at a 12° angle from the vertical wall became a stylish focal point seen from the High Street and a practical storage solution for hairdryers and products.
All visual clutter was stripped from the client waiting area at the front. Only a feature chandelier, waiting chair and portion of exposed brickwork within this area were left to fit with an urban glamour interior.
We are delighted our salon design for Zoology's Colour lab was shortlisted for a HJ Salon Design Award.
Within the Wash/Spa area the mood becomes more luxurious with a crystal beaded curtain separating the double back-wash basins from the main salon with colourful handmade Moroccan floor and wall tiles adding to the sense of VIP service.
On the opposite wall to the styling stations is a joinery piece we call the ‘Colour Lab’ where the magic happens on full view of the clients along with storage for reception sundries.
The projects was such a success the client has appointed us to remodel their larger salon Wanstead.
Design for Zoology's Colour Lab shortlisted for a HJ Salon Design Award.